
QSL Manager 1at090 Ivan

Last Alfa Tango activity almost 30 years ago!

Become a Supporter!


This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to a nice  DX-pedition, by experienced  Team,  to a very wanted DXCC entity on 11mt. 
Your support will help to lower down the costs (e.g. airfare, transfers, excess baggage, accommodation, taxes, travel insurance).
Your help is very important to continue having th DX-pedition on 11mt. 




You will have the following benefits:

- access to the 520at0 personalized   

-►  WhatsApp group ◄-

- Real-time updating of all team operations before and during activity

- They will also have exclusive access to all directs information about the dx-pedition from the team 520at0

- The  official QSL CARD sent by the QSL manager


 If you want to participate as a supporter, send your contribution 

via PayPal

Click here down Paypal icon

Write please your CALL SIGN and the address





Link to join the groups WhatsApp 520AT0

Only for supporters 


QSL Manager 1at090 Ivan